Ten things I've learned from making speeches
Speak to the back of the room. Keep your chin up. Body language is often more impactful than the words you are saying. You are as confident as you feel. Speeches should be, ideally, memorized. Second...
View ArticleTen Embarrassing Things I’ve Done in Public
Josh Bowman lists some of the more embarrassing moments he has had. There are sure to be many more. Note: there are lots more. These are just some highlights. In kindergarten, I was pulling down my...
View ArticleThe Value of Choking Up
Alan Kercinik talks about finding his “why” as a father… and his emotions. – I gave a talk at the Dad 2.0 Summit this past weekend in Houston. In the talk, I was about to end on a point. The point...
View ArticleThe Power of the Human Voice
In the age of the internet, what is the value of the human voice? “The pen is mightier than the sword” is a famous quote, derived from the work of the English playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in the...
View ArticleThe Scorned Word
The Rev. Neil O’Farrell offers advice on how to avoid putting a foot in one’s mouth… and how to learn from those times when it will happen. — We all speak millions and millions of words. Some of us,...
View ArticleWhat Audiences Want in the Age of Twitter
Audiences in the Age of Twitter aren’t like your father’s audiences. They want something more. To be effective in your job, you need to know how to give it to them. —– The device you’re reading this...
View ArticleHow Your Fake Confidence is Hurting Your Real Confidence
In the Age of Twitter, audiences want something and someone REAL. —- Like the definition of porn – “you know it when you see it “– real confidence is something we struggle to define. But when we’re in...
View ArticleWhy They’re Not Listening to You
The 5 types of listeners in every meeting or presentation, and how to reach them. — In the age of Google, we’re used to searching for content that applies directly to the topic at hand. Imagine how...
View ArticleSpeak With Conviction: Uh, It’s Like, Really Important, You Know?
“Say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks the determination with which you believe it.” ~Taylor Mali — It’s sometimes, like, really difficult to, um, complete even one sentence without, like,...
View ArticleVulnerability and Public Speaking to Men and Boys
I can’t control anything past my will to stand up and my forethought to prepare something worth saying. I have been doing some public speaking lately. It occurred to me both how valuable it is to be a...
View ArticleSay More, Talk Less: 5 Ways To Better Your Conversation Skills
While many of us rely heavily on technology for communication, we still need to talk to people in the real world. In our culture of immediate gratification and 140 characters, our attention spans are...
View ArticleSpeaking for a Group Identity: A How-Not-To
Sam Killermann has advice on how to respond when asked to speak on behalf of all _______ people. It’s inevitable. You’ll be sitting there at the head of the group, everyone’s eyes intensely looking...
View ArticleIs Seeking Approval Holding You Back?
And so the coach stormed off in frustration… ––– I sat there in front of 50 people bewildered and dazed. Surely she would come back in a moment. Surely she wouldn’t leave me sitting there embarrassed...
View ArticleWe Are the Buzzword Generation
Tim Mousseau explains on why we’ve come to rely so heavily on buzzwords to encapsulate everything. ___ We sat on a date, the first one but since this one wasn’t blind and we had some previous...
View ArticleOvercoming Unexpected Stage Fright
When Edie Weinstein took the stage to tell a story, she wasn’t prepared to be afraid. Here’s how she got through it. ___ Editor’s Note: Edie Weinstein was a featured storyteller at The Good Men...
View ArticleGood Men Project Live Storytelling Event—Meet You At The Gate
Edie Weinstein tells a story about her parents, now gone, and the special way they had of connecting. ___ I had the extreme joy of standing on stage back in August, with the glare of spotlights in my...
View Article9 Ways This Introvert Polished His Public Speaking Skills
View image | gettyimages.com Tyler Tervooren is a natural introvert who never thought he could be a strong public speaker. It’s taken a lot of work, but if you’re an introvert like him with these nine...
View ArticleAn Introvert’s Guide To Personal Success
If the world seems to demand that you become something you’re not, don’t worry. You can be authentic and follow your own path to success. — I remember coming out of high school straight into the...
View ArticleHow to Manage Everyday Stage Fright
Stage fright is not just about being on stage. It’s something many of us cope with every day, performer or not. Clammy hands. Heart beating at 120 BPM. Mind racing. A swarm of butterflies colonizing...
View ArticleTen Embarrassing Things I’ve Done in Public
Josh Bowman lists some of the more embarrassing moments he has had. There are sure to be many more. Note: there are lots more. These are just some highlights. In kindergarten, I was pulling down my...
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