Josh Bowman lists some of the more embarrassing moments he has had.
There are sure to be many more.
Note: there are lots more. These are just some highlights.
- In kindergarten, I was pulling down my snow pants in the hallway, along with the rest of my class. I pulled down my real pants. And underpants.
- In Grade 5, I found out from a mutual friend that my “girlfriend” (our relationship was formed on the basis of our mutual appreciation of the rap group “The Dream Warriors”) had broken up with me. I yelled at her when I saw her next, in front of our octogenarian crossing guard. I used a lot of swears. Our crossing guard never looked at me the same way.
- On my Bar Mitzvah day, I went up to the Bimah in front of my family and friends. I messed up my portion so often that the rabbi we had at the time (he wasn’t technically a rabbi, but close enough) interrupted me to finish sentences I was having trouble with. That only made it worse.
- In junior high school, I got caught in a water fight, which resulted in me getting sprayed in the crotch. I wore sweatpants a lot in those days. The rumour was that I had peed my pants (a rumour which I fervently denied).
- In junior high school, I was working in a group. I drifted off and began singing “Even Flow” by Pearl Jam softly to myself. I looked up, and everybody had stopped working and was just staring at me.
- In high school, I ran for student government against this guy who was way cooler than me. My friend Chris convinced me to give a rhyming speech which I did in front of the whole school. Little did I know that my opponent rapped his speech, for real.
- On several occasions I have gone to networking events with food clearly in my teeth.
- I went to school and lived briefly in London, Ontario. I was feeling very sick one day, and decided to take the bus to a pharmacy where I could pick up some medication (Advil or something). I felt so sick that I had to pull the bell, get off in the middle of nowhere, and vomit on the side of the road. In broad daylight in front of the passengers as the bus drove away.
- I fell asleep in a meeting at work a couple of years ago. Head down on the table. I was asked a question and I woke up. All of the managers were at that meeting. I have also fallen asleep during training sessions. One-on-one training sessions.
- I wrote this list.
—Photo jing2vlz/Flickr
The post Ten Embarrassing Things I’ve Done in Public appeared first on The Good Men Project.